Accountability Diet week 1.

So here I am One week into my “Accountability Diet” and I am already down 7 yes SEVEN pounds.  That means I have only 3 lbs left to lose to reach my weight loss goal.

Now I won’t lie I didn’t eat every meal or every snack as clean as I wish I would have, but what I did do this week was I was 110% honest with myself with everything I consumed both food and drink.

I am currently tracking my food consumption on both and “Jillian Michaels slim down” app on the iPhone, as well as tracking all my physical activity.

All the details of what my “Accountability Diet” entails and requires can be found here on my blog at in the post: “Accountability Diet”.

If you use Spark People friend me username: ELRBEN and you can see my progress there or if you’re on instagram follow me at: @BenELR or check out what I’m eating with the hashtag: #accountabilitydiet

Thanks for taking the time and interest to view my progress, and please check back next Monday for my next update on the diet!


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